Travel Do's & Don't for Children with Autism

By raluca.olariu@…, 22 August, 2022
photo of map, camera, and bag

Traveling can be quite stressful for children with autism, as they thrive on routines and can have difficulties adjusting to new, unpredictable environments.

For this reason, it is important that parents are prepared before traveling with their children. This includes planning ahead of time, being aware of the potential challenges your child may face while away from home, and knowing how to handle those situations when they arise.

This article will give you some tips to help make travel easier for your child with autism.

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) affects over 2 million Americans. This condition causes difficulties in social interactions, communication skills, and behavior. The symptoms usually appear during infancy or early childhood. Some children show signs of ASD even before birth. There are certain things that parents need to consider when they decide to go on vacation with their children who have ASD. They include:

  • What kind of activities would be suitable for them?
  • How can they prepare themselves mentally and physically?
  • Will they be able to cope with the situation?
  • Is there any special equipment required?
  • What is the best time to travel?
  • What will happen if they get sick while traveling?  
  • How do they feel about being away from home?  

What stresses a child with autism during traveling?

Children with ASD may experience stress due to several reasons. These include:

  • Stressful environment. A stressful environment can cause anxiety and panic attacks. It also makes it difficult for them to focus on anything else.
  • Unpredictable situations. When they are not used to these kinds of situations, they might find it very hard to deal with them.
  • Lack of routine. Routine helps them to know what to expect next. However, when they are traveling without having a schedule, they may become confused.
  • Lack of familiarity. They may not understand why they are doing something or where they are.
  • Difficulty communicating. They may not be able to tell others how they feel or what they want.

If you are planning to take your children on vacation, make sure that you discuss all of these issues with them beforehand. You must also explain to them how they can handle such situations. Also, give them an idea about what they can do to help themselves.

Preparing your child for traveling

Parents often wonder whether their children will be able to cope well with the new environment. But, they don’t realize that preparing them for traveling is as important as taking them on vacation. The following are some tips that could help you plan a successful vacation with your child with autism.

Choose an appropriate destination

It is important to choose a place where your child feels comfortable. It should not be too hot or cold. You also need to make sure that it has enough entertainment options. For example, if your child loves animals, then you should visit zoos, aquariums, museums, etc. Also, if they like water sports, then you can visit beaches or lakes.

Prepare yourself mentally and physically

Parents must be prepared mentally and physically. They need to know what to expect and how to deal with unexpected situations. 

Plan ahead

Planning ahead is very important. Parents should think about all the details such as transportation, accommodation, meals, entertainment, etc. They should also check whether there are any special requirements like medical care, etc.

Be flexible

You should try to be flexible because every person is different. Your child may behave differently depending on their mood, environment, etc. Therefore, you should be ready to change the plan according to your child’s needs.

Make arrangements for emergencies

If something goes wrong, you should be prepared to handle it. You should keep emergency numbers handy so that you can contact someone immediately. Also, you should ensure that your child has their own personal space and privacy.

Pre-pack meals and snacks

It is better to pack food items that your child likes. However, you should avoid packing foods that contain gluten, dairy products, eggs, nuts, etc. These ingredients might trigger allergic reactions.

Prepare a sensory overload kit

This includes items like weighted blankets, noise-canceling headphones, sensory chewing necklaces, weighted blankets, fidget toys, calming music, soothing scents, etc. These items can help your child calm down during a sensory overload episode.   

Traveling by plane

Children with autism have specific challenges when flying. They may experience anxiety, fear, panic attacks, and other symptoms. The following are some things that parents should consider before traveling by air:

Know your rights

Parents should read up on their rights while traveling by air. This includes the right to refuse certain services, ask questions, request changes in seating, etc.

Keep your expectations realistic

Parents should remember that children with autism usually do not understand social cues. So, they may act inappropriately or become aggressive. Also, they may feel uncomfortable due to loud noises, crowded places, etc.

Use visual aids

Visual aids can help children with autism cope with stressful situations. For example, you can use a picture book to explain the flight process. Also, you can show them videos of airplanes taking off, landing, etc.

Avoid overstimulation

Children with autism tend to get overwhelmed easily. Therefore, they may experience stress and anxiety. To prevent this from happening, parents should limit their child’s exposure to stimuli. For example, you could take them out of noisy environments, remove distracting objects, etc.

Prevent ear-popping

To avoid any discomfort that may arise during takeoff or landing, give your child a piece of candy or gum to chew on.


Children can dehydrate during flights, so you should make sure that they drink enough water.

In-flight entertainment

Parents should choose movies that are appropriate for their children. If possible, you should watch movies together. You can also play games or sing songs together.

Practice visiting public restrooms

You should practice using public restrooms before going on an airplane. It will help you know how to deal with unexpected situations and avoid meltdowns.   

Check out this ride-on, carry-on, and sleep-on suitcase for kids

FAQs about autism and traveling

Are there autism-friendly destinations?

Yes, there are many destinations that provide autism-friendly accommodation. You can find plenty of them on this website

Do airlines accommodate autism?

Most airlines offer special accommodations for people with disabilities. In fact, most major airlines now have autism-specific policies. Some of these include:

  • Providing information about autism
  • Offering assistance with communication devices
  • Allowing extra time for boarding and deplaning
  • Providing accessible seats
  • Providing access to assistive technology 
  • Providing additional space for strollers  

Do all children with autism have travel challenges?

Children with autism typically have more difficulty than others dealing with crowds, loud sounds, unfamiliar smells, etc. However, it is important to note that each person has different needs. Therefore, you need to discuss your child’s needs with their doctor.

What if my child gets sick during a trip?

If your child becomes ill during a trip, you should contact the airline immediately. They will be able to arrange for medical care as needed.  

This Samsonite Dream Rider Children's Luggage is very useful when traveling by plane.


As you can see, traveling with children with autism is not easy. But, by following the simple tips from this article, you can reduce the chances of encountering problems and make the whole experience much easier for your child.

Photo credit: Unsplash.