How to Boost Attention and Creativity in Children with Autism

By raluca.olariu@…, 14 September, 2022
colorful abstract painting

Children with autism spectrum disorders tend to have trouble paying attention, focusing their thoughts, and remembering things. This makes them less able to complete tasks efficiently. They also struggle to develop new skills because they don't pay enough attention to details.

To overcome these challenges, parents should encourage their child to engage in activities such as arts and crafts, music, dance, sports, and other hobbies. Parents should also teach their children to express themselves through writing, drawing, and speaking out loud.

In this article, we'll look at how the terms creativity and attention are defined, what can cause a lack of both in children with autism, and what steps, strategies, and tools can parents and teachers use to help boost attention and creativity in kids on the spectrum.

What is Creativity?

Creativity is the ability to generate ideas that are original, useful, or aesthetically pleasing. It's not just about coming up with something new; it's about being able to apply your knowledge to solve problems and make sense of the world around you.

Children with autism spectrum disorders often have difficulty generating ideas and solving problems. They may be unable to come up with creative solutions to everyday situations. 

To help autistic children access and boost their creative skills, parents and educators need to provide opportunities for them to practice problem-solving and thinking creatively.

This could be done by giving them time to think about a topic, then asking them questions about it. For example, if a child has an interest in dinosaurs, she might be asked to write down all the facts she knows about them. Then, her teacher would ask her to create a story using those facts.

The more a child engages in creative activities, the better they will become at accessing their own ideas and making connections between different concepts. They will also learn to see patterns and relationships among things.

In addition, parents can also use various tools to help their children improve their creativity. These include:

  • Lego tables with storage and foam blocks: Lego blocks can be used to build models and puzzles. The storage space underneath allows children to keep their creations safe while they're playing.
  • Puzzles: Puzzles can be used to stimulate a child’s brain and help their focus and attention. There are many types of puzzles available, including jigsaw puzzles, crossword puzzles, word searches, and sudoku.
  • Educational alphabet cards: Reading these cards can develop imagination and boost creativity.

Children with autism spectrum disorders often have trouble thinking creatively because they have trouble understanding abstract concepts. To help them understand abstract concepts, parents should introduce them to visual representations of abstract concepts.

For instance, instead of teaching math by showing students numbers, they can show them pictures of numbers.

Visual aids can also be used to help autistic children remember information. For example, they can draw pictures of objects or people to help them memorize vocabulary words.

How to increase attention in kids with autism

Attention is the process of focusing our awareness on one thing at a time. When we pay attention, we notice things happening around us. We also remember information we've seen and heard.

When children with autism spectrum disorders have trouble paying attention, they find it difficult to follow instructions and finish schoolwork. They also struggle to stay focused during class discussions and playtime.

Parents and educators can try several techniques to help boost attention in autistic children. Some of these include: 

  • Visual schedules are charts that show when certain events happen throughout the day. This helps children know what to expect and plan accordingly.
  • Behavioral interventions: Behavior management programs like Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) can help children with ASD learn to control their behavior. ABA focuses on teaching children specific behaviors through rewards and consequences.    

Occupational therapy

Occupational therapists work with children who have developmental disabilities such as autism spectrum disorders. Their goal is to teach children how to perform daily tasks independently. Occupational therapists may also teach children how to communicate needs and wants.

For example, occupational therapists may teach children how to brush their teeth, dress themselves, and feed themselves. They may also teach children how make choices and solve problems.

Occupational therapists can also teach children how to interact socially. They might do this by helping children practice social skills, such as eye contact, using gestures, and responding appropriately to others.

Occupational therapists can also teach parents how to provide effective discipline for their children. Parents can encourage positive behavior by rewarding good behavior and punishing bad behavior.

In regards of creativity and attention, occupational therapy has been proven to be very helpful. It teaches children how to use tools, which increases their ability to concentrate. It also teaches them how to organize materials and complete projects.  


Children with autism spectrum disorders often struggle with attention and creativity. However, there are many ways to help improve their focus and concentration. By learning about different strategies, parents and teachers can better support children with autism.

We hope that this article has helped you understand more about the tools and therapies used to increase attention and creativity in children with autism.

Photo credit: Unsplash.