6 Must-Read Books on Autism for Parents

By sandra.caplesc…, 25 October, 2021
Woman reading a book on parenting.

Parenting a child with autism is both challenging to live with and rewarding. Autism is different from person to person, so it’s helpful to seek out guidance from books if you are unsure. Information is power, and many people prefer books as their source of knowledge. Whether you are looking for tips or want to find comfort in stories of parents going through the same thing, there are plenty of good books you can choose from.

Browse the list of recommended books for parents with an autistic child that will educate and inspire.

The Reason I Jump by Naoki Higashida

Naoki Higashida writes his memoir, which demonstrates the uncertainties and challenges of someone with an autistic mind. Written as a series of questions and answers, the author paints the world of a 13-year old non-verbal boy. It sheds light on confounding topics such as why children behave in ways that their parents continuously discouraged. It dives into the author's psyche and offers a unique lens on how an autistic mind thinks and responds to the world around him.

1001 Great Ideas for Teaching and Raising Children with Autism and Asperger’s by Ellen Notbohm & Veronica Zysk

It's a must-read for anyone living with children on the autism spectrum. The authors offer many valuable ideas to help autistic children achieve success at home, in the classroom, and in the community. This insightful book has sections for helping with sensory integration, tips for managing challenging behaviors, and strategies for teaching social skills. It's written in a snappy, can-do format. This book won numerous awards, and you can find various potential solutions for the issues you're facing.

Life, Animated: A Story of Sidekicks, Heroes, and Autism by Ron Suskind

Written by Pulitzer-prize-winning Suskind, this story is about his son Owen, who learned to communicate and analyze via his fascination with Disney movies. As an autistic child who couldn’t speak, Owen turned Disney movies into a language to express love, loss, and kinship. The story reveals how the family became Disney characters to communicate with their son. This book strays from traditional behavioral interventions, showing how a child’s natural passion can be the portal of engagement and connection with the outer world.

Uniquely Human: A Different Way of Seeing Autism by Barry M. Prizant

A famous autism advocate, Dr. Barry M. Prizant offers a new paradigm: rather than portraying autism as a disability that needs treatment, he seeks to understand the child’s experience and build a better life. Children with autism are unique, not broken. This book fights for the de-stigmatization of kids on the spectrum, and it’s one of the most emphatic and wise books about being human.

An Early Start for Your Child with Autism by Sally J. Rogers, Geraldine Dawson & Laurie A. Vismara

Need practical advice? Then this book is for you. It presents realistic and practical strategies based on current research. It's a massive help for toddlers and preschoolers with ASD to develop connections and reach their full potential. The book is organized into easy-to-understand sections and encourages parents to turn simple day-to-day tasks into valuable lessons. You can use these strategies every day from an early age.

A Full Life with Autism: From Learning to Forming Relationships to Achieving Independence by Chantal Sicile-Kira and Jeremy Sicile-Kira

Many parents wonder whether their child will have friends or be able to work. Most are afraid of leaving their kid to become independent—will they be able to live a normal life? A mother-son duo wrote this book about what it takes to raise a child to adulthood. It's truly a guide that will answer tough questions that any parent of a child with ASD has asked themselves. This book inspires hope and positivity, helping children lead fulfilling lives.

The list is endless. There are so many books on this topic it's hard to choose from. Hopefully, these recommendations will get you started and that they prove helpful in guiding your child into living to the fullest. For more on autism, don't forget to check the rest of our blog.

See also Top 14 Reading Books for Autistic Children